I'm pleased to have a guest post this week from my extremely intelligent sister-in-law, Diane. It was her idea that I start this blog and for that I shall always be grateful. These are her insights on The Book of the Dun Cow:
Although it took me ages to finally pick up this story, the impressions it left upon my heart make me want to read it again as soon as possible. For years it sat on my shelf because of the cover: a profile of a rooster with a tan, one-horned cow standing in the background. Why would I want to read a book about farm animals? But this title repeatedly showed up on lists of “must reads”, so I decided to commit myself to reading and finishing it. By the middle of the story I couldn’t put it down.
In my opinion, no author is able to paint word pictures as powerfully as Wangerin does. His are not of the simplistic, primary color sort. Instead he “paints” with the depths and wonder of a Dutch master. As I read this book I was constantly amazed at his ability to create a tale of cosmic implication and universal experience through the lives of barnyard animals. This epic novel about the battle between good and evil would have no integrity if it did not incorporate honest, simple relationships. That is the battlefield where our propensity for evil and our fight for good occur. Thus, this story unfolds on three spheres universally experienced by living souls – the cosmic dilemma, the trenches of one’s own family and community, and most frighteningly real of all, the depths of one’s own being.