Friday, December 20, 2019

Kindle Unlimited Titles for Thoughtful Readers

Most titles for Kindle Unlimited are junk. You have to scroll through hundreds of trashy books to find the gems. Since I first tried it, in 2017, I've learned a few tricks. Now whenever I'm browsing for books, I make a separate list of the ones available through KU. When Amazon has their end-of-the-year deal for KU, I join and read the books on my list in a month or two and then unsubscribe. If you plan to take advantage of the discount, here are some suggestions for better quality books. (Amazon offers millions of fluffy romances, but I prefer the better writing and characterization of  vintage author D.E. Stevenson and Miss Read.) I have also discovered that the titles rotate in and out so some are available on KU for a limited time.

The Magic Apple Tree by Susan Hill (beautiful non-fiction, reviewed here)
On Reading Well by Karen Swallor Prior
The Crucified Life -  A.W.Tozer
The Tech-Wise Family - Andy Crouch
The Trojan Mouse - An interesting title about Disney's effect on popular culture.

Bel Lamington and Fletcher's End by D.E. Stevenson (reviewed here)
Whose Body? mystery by Dorothy Sayers
Amberwell and Summerhills - D.E. Stevenson (2-part Ayrton Family series)
The Tall Stranger - D.E. Stevenson
Katherine Wentworth and Katherine's Marriage by D.E. Stevenson's (reviewed here)
(There are at least 8 other D.E. Stevenson titles!)

I have not read the Harry Potter books, but all 7 are free for Kindle Unlimited.

What about you? Have you made any discoveries with KU that you want to share?



Cathy said...

Hope: Where is the Amazon Link on your site? I've looked all over!!

hopeinbrazil said...

Cathy, When I go to Amazon to find the link, they don't show it to me (I think because I already "took the bait," they are not offering it to me any more.) Can you go directly to Amazon and look for it?