Friday, January 10, 2020

Reading Goals for 2020

My reading challenges for 2019 were a complete bust (too much time in transition) so I hesitate to make new lists, but I've decided on several light goals.

First of all, I want to slow down and re-read several favorite books. (Wind in the Willows, Persuasion, etc.) I don't do this enough because I'm always anxiously pursuing my next book. I don't want to ANXIOUSLY read anything this year.

Secondly, I want to continue the Fairacre series by Miss Read. (more unhurried reading)

Thirdly, I want to read 10 literary classics. Not too daunting considering that I have several of them in audio book form. These are books that feed my soul and I need to make them a priority. (Anna Karenina and Silas Marner are two titles I hope to read.)

Fourthly, I want to always have a Christian classic on hand to read for a few minutes after my daily Bible reading. (Andrew Murray, A.W. Tozer, etc.)

What about you? Any goals for the year? How did you meet last year's goals?



Barbara Harper said...

I read (or rather, listened to) Anna Karenina last year for the first time. I'd love to reread Persuasion, Jane Eyre, and others.

My goals for the year are here:

Last year I fell one book short of what I was planning to read. I could have gotten it in during December, but I like to read Christmas books then. But I read or listened to 76 books all together last year, so I am happy.

Carol said...

I feel the same way re 'anxious reading.' I haven't made any lists yet but I have some goals in mind but I do want to be more intentional - & not just in my reading! I bought a couple of new Tozer titles I'd like to read this year. He is so refreshing.