Friday, February 12, 2021

The Creative Act as Ministry - quote by Andrew Peterson

I want you, dear reader, to remember that one holy way of mending the world is to sing, to write, to paint, to weave new worlds. Because the seed of your feeble-yet-faithful work fell to the ground, died, and rose again, what Christ has done through you will call forth praise from lonesome travelers long after your name is forgotten. They will know someone lived and loved there…. That is why the Enemy wants you to think you have no song to write, no story to tell, no painting to paint. He wants to quiet you. So, sing. Let the Word by which the Creator made you fill your imagination, guide your pen, lead you from note to note until a melody is strung together like a glimmering constellation in the clear sky. Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor, too, by making worlds and works of beauty that blanket the earth like flowers

(from Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson, p.183)
