Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jane Eyre - The Music

The other day while running errands I switched on the radio and was amazed to hear strains from a favorite movie soundtrack. It was amazing because it was from a 1970 made-for-TV movie of Jane Eyre (George C. Scott and Susannah York version) that is only offered in horrendous form on cheap DVDs. As a teenager I wore out my record of this music. All these years later I still have fond memories of the film and its music. Frankly, I just assumed the music was no longer available. Silly me! A little research on iTunes showed that all of John Williams' music is still out there for the taking.

Another excellent source of music for Jane Eyre fans is the Broadway musical.


Carrie said...

It's always fun to discover things like that! Congratulations! =)

JoAnna said...

Oh my goodness, the Jane Eyre Broadway Musical CD has been completely worn out by Maddi, Meredith and I. It is our absolute favorite companion for the many, many road trips we have had over the years. It's our favorite to sing along to!