1) With my morning Bible reading I always read a Bible study book (usually Kay Arthur) and a few
pages in my hymnal. (and the Bible!)
pages in my hymnal. (and the Bible!)
2) After breakfast my husband and I have prayers together and read a book with daily Bible passages related to the church calendar and another book of inspirational devotional thoughts.
3) Friday is our date day and we read outloud to each other from a book of short stories. (It's been James Heriott for the last four years.)
4) An audiobook to listen to while in the kitchen or doing exercises (varies between fiction and non)
5) One non-fiction book on my nightstand to read before bed
6) One non-fiction book on my Kindle to read when I'm bored (usually on a long trip)
7) One fiction book (Kindle or physical) for escapist reading
To tell the truth, beside the four titles I read every morning, I probably read only one or two of the others each day. So it's not as overwhelming as it seems. Still, it looks pretty crazy!
Anyone else a serial reader???
I do much the same, only I average about seven books at a time.
I keep one physical book in the bathroom. either fiction or nonfiction.
I listen to an audiobook while getting ready for the day, driving, doing some quiet housework, like dusting, and for about fifteen minutes while drifting off to sleep (thankfully, the Audible app has a timer. Occasionally I'll fall asleep before fifteen minutes and will have to backtrack the next day, but it usually works out just about right). I usually listen to classics or Christian fiction via audiobook.
I've been going through Warren Wiersbe's "Be" commentaries on the Kindle along with whatever book of the Bible I'm reading. Sometimes our ladies' Bible study at church goes through a book as well.
I read sometimes from the Kindle in the evenings before going to bed. Often I'll have a nonfiction book I'm reading in short bits so as to absorb it more. Currently I'm doing that with a book about writing nonfiction and with a book of letters by C. S. Lewis. I'll read a small section of on of those and then read fiction or a biography.
I can only focus on one book at a time, and if it doesn’t captivate me after 50 pages, I’m done. There’s no rhyme or reason to my next selection – could be fiction or memoir or counseling related or homekeeping related.
I do reach for a number of volumes in my devotional time, but primarily keep it to God’s Word with a hefty concordance.
Paul David Tripp’s New Morning Mercies is a wonderful late late night send off to bed.
Here's what's in my most recent bookbag -
Linda, thanks for linking to some of your favorite reads. All of them were new to me!
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