Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reading Goals for 2010

I have never set specific goals for the year (other than one book per week). But last year's World War II challenge encouraged me to be more intentional about book choices. Still, I don’t have actual titles on my list as much as I have a general idea of what I’d like to accomplish in 2010.

1) The Chronicles of Narnia

2) Two non-fiction WWII books

3) Four classics; one must be by Dostoyevsky (since I have 3 of his on my TBR pile). I'd also like to tackle Anna Karenina, but we'll see. The Classics Book Club may help me stick to my goals.

4) More Wendell Berry

5) Jane Eyre (re-read) and something new by Trollope (probably Rachel Ray since it came highly recommended by my blogging friend, Carol.)

6) Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card because it's been on my TBR list for years.

End of year summary: I read Ender's Game and did not find it as amazing as everyone said it would be.  The Narnia Chronicles, on the other hand, were outstanding.  Rachel Ray was okay and I didn't meet the other goals except for one WWII book, London 1945 by Waller.  Russian literature, when will I ever find time/interest for you?


Anna said...

I hope you meet all your goals. I look forward to seeing what WWII books you choose.

Diary of an Eccentric

JoAnna Pittman said...

Wow, it's crazy how similar our reading goals are for this year!

Matt and I were just talking over Christmas about how we want to read more WWII books - particularly non fiction.

I just finished Crime and Punishment a couple of months ago. I found it a bit laborious (so heavy!) but extremely redeeming at the end and left me wanting more!

I have been wanting to read Anna Karenina for the past two years. It is a goal for this year.

During Christmas break, I borrowed from my dad Wendell Berry's "The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture." I read so many of his books in high school, but have left off since college. My favorite professor talked about this book all the time so I am excited to begin it!

Crazy isn't it? I look forward to hearing your comments. Hopefully it will encourage me complete my goals!

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Very worthy goals!

I've been participating in Carrie's Narnia challenge at Reading to Know, so I will end up reading at least one Narnia book this year, too.

Way to go on the Russian novels, too! One day I might get around to them. . . I find Russian history fascinating, so I really should.

Thanks for the words of wisdom and well wishes on the Kay Arthur studies!