Friday, July 24, 2015

Children's Books for Adults has a list of seven children's books every adult should read. I heartily agree with their choice of Charlotte's Web which I reviewed here. We all know the famous C.S. Lewis quote about the best books being for all ages; so, obviously, a lot more than seven books should be on the list.

Three of my very favorite books are children's lit titles that I discovered as an adult: Wind in the Willows, Tuck Everlasting, and Peter Pan. The Narnia and Little House on the Prairie books are age-range friendly as well.

What about you? What are some of the children's titles that have touched you as an adult?

(Sidenote: I find it annoying/amusing that a web site and magazine called "Real Simple" should be so cluttered with advertisements that it's hard to find their content.)


Anonymous said...

As an adult I've discovered some of my favorite children's books.
These include all of the titles by Maud Hart Lovelace, L.M. Montgomery,
Little House on the Prairie series, and many more.
I want to thank you for introducing me to D.E. Stevenson, who is now one of my
favorite writers of adult fiction. I enjoy and appreciate your blog. I know that your
standards are high and I can count on your reviews of quality books.

CLL said...

Oh my, so many! Books by Kate Seredy, especially The Chestry Oak and A Tree for Peter, top my list. Most of my 18,000 volume collection are considered children's books but I've learned so much from them.