1. A 19th century
classic - The Scarlet Letter (1850). 4/25/17
2. A 20th century classic -My Antonia (1918) 6/22
3. A classic by a woman author. -Rainbow Valley by L.M. Montgomery 6/20/17
4. A classic originally published in another language. -The Iliad 10/24
2. A 20th century classic -
3. A classic by a woman author. -
4. A classic originally published in another language. -
5. A classic originally published
before 1800. - Shakespeare play/Merchant of Venice 11/12
6. A romance classic. by Trollope or Gaskell (Mary Barton?) 12/20
7. A Gothic or horror classic. –Picture of
Dorian Gray 5/21/17
8. Classic with a Number in the Title – 6. A romance classic. by Trollope or Gaskell (
7. A Gothic or horror classic. –
9. A classic about an animal -
10. A classic set in a place you'd like to visit. (real or imaginary) -
11. An award-winning classic -
12. A Russian classic. –
Other classics I hope to read in the next ten years:
13. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
17. Bleak House by Dickens
18, 19.
20. Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky
21. Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
22. Chronicles of Wasted Time by Muggeridge
23. The Daughter of Time by Tey
25. The Way We Live Now - Trollope
26.Purgatorio by Dante (Ciardi's version) 2/22
27.Dombey and Son by Dickens 12/15/17
28.Everlasting Man by Chesterton 12/18
29. Far from the Madding Crowd by Hardy 1/22
30. Freckles by Gene Stratton Porter
31. Holy Living and Holy Dying by Jeremy Taylor
32.The Inferno by Dante (Longfellow) 11/21
33. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
34. Journal of a Plague Year by Defoe
35.A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn 10/18
36. Journals of Lewis and Clark
37.Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson 10/20
38. Kon-Tiki by Heyerdahl
39.Paradiso by Dante 8/23
40. Lilith by George MacDonald 3/18
41.Jungle Book by Kipling 10/17
42.Lark Rise to Candleford 6/18
43. War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
44. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
45. Martian Chronicles by Bradbury
46.Morte d'Arthur by Malory DNF - made it halfway
47. O Pioneers! by Willa Cather
48.Phantastes by George MacDonald 2/24
49.Princess and Curdie (re-read) 5/20
50. Red Badge of Courage by Crane
51. Rise of Silas Lapham by Howells
52.Swallows and Amazons by Ransome 11/21

30. Freckles by Gene Stratton Porter
31. Holy Living and Holy Dying by Jeremy Taylor
33. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
34. Journal of a Plague Year by Defoe
36. Journals of Lewis and Clark
38. Kon-Tiki by Heyerdahl
43. War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
44. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
45. Martian Chronicles by Bradbury
47. O Pioneers! by Willa Cather
50. Red Badge of Courage by Crane
51. Rise of Silas Lapham by Howells