When I finished the "
50 Classics in 5 Years" challenge, I wondered if I would find any additional classics of interest. Silly me! There are more classics on my TBR list now than I could read in a lifetime. So I'm glad that Karen at
Books and Chocolate is hosting another Back to the Classics Challenge for 2018. All the details are
here. These are my 12 (subject to change) choices:
19th Century Classic - Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens 11/18
2. 20th Century Classic (published before 1968) -
Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson 6/18

Classic by a Woman Author - Little Women by Alcott 4/6/18
4. A Classic Translated from Another Language -
Children's Classic - Little House in the Big Woods 1/12/18
6. Classic Crime Story -
Miss Pym Disposes by Tey
7. Classic Travel/Journey Story (fiction or non) -
Journals of Lewis and Clark
Classic with Single Word Title - Lilith by George MacDonald 3/18
Classic with a Color in the Title - Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates 6/18
10. Classic by New-to-You Author -
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
11. Classic that Scares You -
Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
Re-read a Favorite Classic - Secret Garden by F.H. Burnett 2/20/18
Looking forward to a great year of reading!
Wonderful list! I'm intrigued by your Travel choice and we are book reading Larkrise! Yay. :D
I've have Larkrise on my shelf for years. It's one volume with I think two books bound together, and pretty thick, so I keep putting it off because of the sheer amount of time it looks like it would take. But I suppose I could just read one of the volumes. Secret Garden is on my list this year, too. Somehow I have never read it, though I did see a film version. My education was sadly lacking in classics, so I've been trying to make up for that in the last several years. I read Ivanhoe a few years ago and enjoyed it. Haven't tried Willa Cather yet but I did get a couple of hers free for the Kindle.
O Pioneers was my favorite by Cather. She's a beautiful writer. And Secret Garden is a favorite, as well. Of course, I'm obsessed by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Happy Reading!
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